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615HJgFofkL._SX347_BO1,204,203,200_On this page I write about the writers of books I have enjoyed, because as a writer myself I know all too well that there is a writer behind every masterpiece or book!

I will kick off with Jacob Needleman who wrote Lost Christianity in 1980.

He has an intelligent probing mind that also keeps a broad spectrum of interested parties involved as he writes. I found he was able to walk the tightrope between  becoming too personal and losing the readers and becoming too general which would risk satisfying less the genuine seeker of knowledge and wisdom and more the curious-minded. I highly recommend his writing – a blend of philosophy that enchants.


From time to time I will be interviewing authors whose work makes a valuable contribution to understanding the complexity of the Earth, or the wisdom of the Earth, or its sheer sacred presence.

Click on the following links to read about:

Norway’s early history

Author Harald Boehlke researched how early monks sailed from Ireland to southern Norway. Once there, they built cathedrals and set up communities that connected with each other to set up an huge invisible pentagram across the landscape for no immediately apparent reason..