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Connect deeper with Celtic Trees

Rudolf Steiner House Studio 3rd floor Park Lane, London, United Kingdom

This is a unique workshop on how to connect deeper with Celtic Trees. It will take place at Steiner House and Regents Park Trees are veritable portals into other dimensions of life that support and enhance the existence of the planet, including its human inhabitants and enhance the existence of the planet, including its human […]


The Hazel and the Crabapple Duo

Glengariff Nature Reserve Kenmare Road, Glengariff, Cork, Ireland

This is the next in a series of spiritual nature walks based on the Celtic Tree year. This time we are meeting in the extreme southwest of Ireland where incredibly beautiful feminine landscapes hold forth. We now enter the Hazel and Crabapple month, a time when we go inwards to realise that there is an […]


Aspen Season Celtic Tree Walk

The Burren Clare, Ireland

CELEBRATE THE CELTIC SEASON OF THE ASPEN ON UNIQUE SCENIC WALK This one-off walk in honour of the Celtic season of the Aspen leads us through a remote and very beautiful valley. We eventually reach a small grove of rare aspens set in an unusual geological landscape.  I see this setting as a sacred landscape […]
