00353 83 4117498 info@earthwise.me

Reconnect with Nature for a greater sense of self

Nature, especially at sacred sites, can bring us to a deeper awareness of who we are….


Develop your sense of Earth’s spiritual nature through workshops and online Gaia sessions, 

Explore the healing lands of Scotland and Ireland with insightful guide notes

Our journeys help reconnect you with the essence of nature, and to your deeper essence.

Experience Earth Wisdom through tours, books, workshops and online sessions

Jackie Queally, Creator of Earthwise

A well-established and respected metaphysical author, spiritual dowser and guide Jackie was the original guide to offer tours of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland from 1999. Since their inception she was the constant private pupil of the deeply loved and respected geomancer and mystic William Buehler. His knowledge enriched her tours, then known as Celtic Trails.

Having lived in her ancestral Ireland from Autumn 2008 until May 2024  she returned to Scotland following the death of her much loved father. She continues insightful personal tours and  workshops into earth energies, trees and sacred landscapes which opened up horizons for many. Also exploring and developing new ways to nurture a deeper sense of self and a connection to the subtle forces residing in nature, she is available for tours and talks on Rosslyn Chapel once more! Sign up for the newsletter to be notified!


Connecting deeper with Earth workshop
reconnecting with yourself in the Burren
Healing Trees with Sound


I cultivated an interest in sacred places and earth spirituality from an early age. In my posts I share many insights about places and inner processes.



Each of my itineraries is designed to bring you in greater awe of our sacred Earth.


My workshops can awaken your soul to the secrets of the Earth



My own books contain unique research that can complement your tour or event.


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Thanks so much for writing such a wonderful and detailed book ♥"

Carmel Ní Dhuibheanaigh Ireland March 3, 2015

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Fasten your seat belts folks, you are in for an amazing read! Nothing will seem inconsequential again.

kindle reader February 20, 2015

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I just wanted to say again just how much I appreciate your spending time with me. It was a beautiful gift of yourself & I feel enriched for having met you.

Myra Nicks Alberta Canada September 22, 2015

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I really love and appreciate the work you do and im really enjoying reading your books at the moment. You are a wealth of knowledge and a lovely woman to learn from and the work you do and knowledge you hold is very important and very needed in the world we live in today.

Gerard Banks August 29, 2017

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I'm reading your very interesting book  "The Spiritual Purpose to Rosslyn": it's creating great value also for my profession (I'm a strategic consultant for companies as well as a Business and Executive Coach.....and I strongly believe in multiple realities, quantuum physics concepts about terrestrial time, the power of the Hebrew symbols, the angelic realm and more....).
Thanks for all your knowledge and insights sharing!

Elena Italy February 9, 2015

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It was one of my favourite experiences in the Scotland wing of my trip. You are a truly lovely person and so knowledgeable – all of the testimonials on your web site speak to this and I wanted to say that I agree wholeheartedly. There is something truly magical about that place (especially Roslin Glen).

Louisa, Canada February 4, 2015

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Your gong playing sent me into a very deep relaxing sleep, cured my stiff neck and I believe I had some sort of 'awakening' as a result!  I felt very clear after the day's activities!

Denise Heeley Doorus Co Clare and Sudan September 22, 2015

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Thank you for the half day Burren Lowlands tour yesterday. We enjoyed it all. You have so much knowledge and such a connection with the Burren it's wonderful!
I have visited the Burren a few times as a tourist and it's only now with you I feel I am connecting with it, I feel very grateful.

Mairead June 20, 2018

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XX Thank you so much for a very memorable trip. We learned a lot from you and I am peaked to learn more about the Culdees.
It was a fascinating time with you and with fairies, elves, harps, stone circles, cairns, tombs, mountains, and lots of experiences Oh my!

Cindy and Keith Jensen California February 3, 2015

guide to Rosslyn Chapel