I started writing my rare books on Rosslyn Chapel and other spiritual sites in 1999. It began slowly with small guides to the area, many of which are out of print now. Rare topics covered included the myths and legends often ascribed to long forgotten wells in the area.
- Culdees (early Christian monks of both sexes), the language of trees in Druid times
- the links between the Cistercians, the Templars and Sinclairs of Rosslyn
Major guides to Rosslyn Chapel
![my rare books on Rosslyn Chapel](https://www.earthwise.me/wp-content/uploads/rosslyn1-159-332x500.jpg)
Plinths in Rosslyn Chapel once held female as well as male disciples of Jesus
Following on from the booklets I wrote two major guides to Rosslyn Chapel. The knowledge is based on the Reshel system that interprets ancient Hebrew lettering as co-creational “light codes“. As fantastical as it sounds, the layout of the carvings in the chapel and the layout of other manmade artefacts and natural landmarks in the hinterland all bear the imprint of this research (initiated by William Buehler my friend and colleague). Fortunately the two guides still sell to this day in the chapel. They can be found alongside some of my other books on their own dedicated shelf!
I bought your book in the Rosslyn chapel giftshop.
I regularly visit Rosslyn and I’ve bought all your other books.
They are a source of inspiration for me.
Thanks for your work.
Kind regards
Timothy Verhaeghe
Zwevegem, Belgium
Never forgetting beloved Roslin Glen
When I moved to Ireland toward the end of 2008 I wrote a book in memory to the beautiful glen that lies below the chapel. This is a poetry book that honoured nature in Roslin Glen. Moreover I created it in the form of an album with footnotes at the end. The photography that accompanies my poems is my own too and has offered solace to those who use the book as a meditation tool. I hope this is not sounding boastful but I know many have appreciated it as a meditation aid. From the photos you can imagine you are there.
Metatronic Earth Grids
After that book I tackled a very interesting book that looked at the links between the manifested world of human events and the dream world and the earth grids that many ancient churches and holy sites I visited were situated on. It also talks a lot about the Reshel knowledge so you can see how it works on various levels, often interacting with our everyday consciousness.
The Mysterious Burren in Ireland
Then I wrote three books on the Burren where I live in the west of Ireland. First I took the five element theory used in traditional Chinese medicine, and applied it to the landscape of the Burren. The Burren is a recognised international geopark, and there are many ley lines traversing it. I include many legends and hidden knowledge in this book, and it has delighted healers, artists and psychotherapists among its readers. The other two books are a colour book based on the same theme, and a much-needed guide to the Burren for motorists and cyclists to find hidden places. I created trails starting from peripheral towns and villages in the Burren.
The Celtic Trees as teaching model
My final book to date revisits the Celtic Trees to examine in more depth how their cycle interweaves with the seasons and offers a model for spiritual growth.
For my next book I might deviate from writing on Rosslyn Chapel and other spiritual sites.
Plinths in Rosslyn Chapel once held female as well as male disciples of JesusI might write a novel based on places that occupy key nodes on the earth grids with an evolving story of love, thus hinting at the interplay between place and consciousness. Or perhaps a simpler one giving a lively account of my memories of working on Celtic Trails from 1999-2013…
Do get in touch with your ideas too please!