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The Spiritual Purpose to Rosslyn: Keys to a Hidden Matrix


This is a guide to the spiritual codes and ley lines that present themselves in both Rosslyn Chapel and its surrounding landscape – highlighting an explanation for the chapel’s setting and higher purpose. The purpose of Rosslyn is reflected in the hidden sacred geometry of its local earth grids, with emphasis on the inner meaning of early Hebrew roots as personally taught to the author by deceased respected expert William Buehler.


ISBN 978-0-9541435-5-8

Extract from within book (randomly opened)

Page 56: The L Mechanism in the Chapel

The chapel can be operated using the L Mechanism alongside others in order to enter into its divine essence. When using the L or rhombus, in conjunction with Rosslyn Chapel , the initiate was going directly to the “hot spots” without necessarily passing through the normal series of stations laid down in the chapel. Correct use of the L by skilled light workers will translate the temple into a true no-time/all-time (also called non-linear time) mode from which valid work can be done in the past, present, future time continua with Metatronic agencies who work under the mandate of the archangel Michael.

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I’m reading your very interesting book  “The Spiritual Purpose to Rosslyn”: it’s creating great value also for my profession (I’m a strategic consultant for companies as well as a Business and Executive Coach…..and I strongly believe in multiple realities, quantum physics concepts about terrestrial time, the power of the Hebrew symbols, the angelic realm and more….). Thanks for all your knowledge and insights sharing!

Eleanor Mauro, Italy February 20, 2015

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I bought your “The Spiritual Purpose to Rosslyn: book in May and have read it. Thanks for writing it. I identified with much of the light work described, as it has been part of my activity since the late 1980s. In particular, working with the violet flame/fire/light aspect of the rays has been important to me, in Washington and elsewhere. As you know, it helps transmute the dross of which you speak in your book.

Tom Hansen, Charlottesville Virginia February 20, 2015

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In these well produced books the first title reveals the patterns underlying Rosslyn and their relationship with the Reshel template of sacred geometry: it is essentially a primer on the Reshel, dealing with far more than just Rosslyn. It may require a certain unaccustomed open-mindedness for many readers, but the book is in a solid tradition of British esoteric work that includes much of the Glastonbury and early earth mysteries.          

John Billingsley,Northern Earth magasine, Yorkshire England February 20, 2015





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