00353 83 4117498 info@earthwise.me

Creative Services

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I was completely blown away by your talk on Saturday, you are such a fountain of knowledge.
 I was so impressed with how well you spoke. You talked about such interesting mystical topics in such a grounded and logical way that a child could understand. I really admire that.
I know people got a lot out of it and are inspired to help with this energetic work! So it's great to keep the momentum and arrange another meet up!

Tanya Harris www.tanyaharris.co.uk Ennistymon free talk on the Earth Energies of the Burren November 28, 2016

Following the “pandemic” I decided to offer self-drive tour consultations. Usually this entails talking with me on Zoom so I can advise you where to go yourselves, filling you in on places that would resonate with what you tell me about your interests and hopes. Feedback from this has been excellent so I will continue to offer these. If you want to take it a step further you may order more detailed notes on a suggested itinerary to suits your needs.

I still offer my Rosslyn Chapel and Glen tour privately upon demand.

When I started my tours in 1999 I soon realised that they appealed to those who prefer to base their beliefs on their inner experiences. As the years progressed I gradually added some creative services that utilised the knowledge contained in my tours.  This may have been a talk or workshop where you come away feeling you learnt far more than you anticipated, or one of my meditations or poems that speaks to your core “tree” essence. My intent is always to bring you to a place of greater harmony and peace, and even to raise your consciousness in this ever-evolving world we live in and share with nature.

 Nature is our greatest ally on any journey, on both the inner and outer planes. She subtly heals and refreshes us as we journey. Thus she is an intrinsic part of my creative services.

There is in fact a real, yet often invisible, two-way relationship between nature and ourselves. Like with an intimate friend, we can easily forget how important Nature is to us. For nature  is alive and sentient on not just the physical level. I believe she is a living entity who can sense and indeed thrive on our love and awe…



These replace the physical tours and comprise of either a Zoom session for advice and/or personal notes based on your needs. If you choose the notes option the Zoom session is complementary. To see common themes click the title.


watch this space – sign up for the newsletter on the front page to know more


watch this space  – sign up for the newsletter on the front page to know more


This effective method of healing can be done remotely or in person in Galway City. It involves the use of specific tuning forks working in your energy field to restore harmony and flow. By tapping into your personal timeline all events that led to disharmony and eventual disease show up through the sound of the vibrating forks, and then they help bring your body and mind into greater resonance once more. The vast majority of clients find it totally absorbing and revelatory and above all helpful.


Would you like to learn the art of dowsing?  I am an experienced dowser (diviner) and would love to share with you how to use dowsing rods or a dowsing pendulum.  There are many applications. Dowsing is a wonderful way to make decisions, heal yourself and others or become more fully present in nature, zoning out to the movement of your rods or pendulum. I teach one-one or in small groups. Please contact me if interested


I have given  talks to groups on the calendar of the Celtic Trees as a journey of the soul, Rosslyn Chapel as a temple of initiation, the nature of sound healing, the Burren in Ireland as a spiritual landscape, dowsing, ley lines, sacred sites of UK, Ireland and western Europe,  and  Metatronic synergy light work. Please contact me if interested.

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On behalf of The Irish Society of Diviners I would like to convey our gratitude to you for your very interesting talk on Saturday.  All the feedback was good and members enjoyed talking to you afterwards.

Moya Henderson ISD Secretary Dublin 2013 March 7, 2016

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Hello Jackie,
Thank you for the wonderful day filled with adventure, exploring and learning. I learned so much even before we left your home.  I found it quite interesting how the pendulum reacted to the various fields of energy.  Next trip I'll have to remember to bring my pendulum. I'm looking forward to connecting with you on my next trip to Ireland.  So many amazing sights to see and experience in Ireland.   Blessings to you and many thanks for making our trip to Ireland so very special.
Hugs and Love,   Deborah

Deborah USA February 16, 2016