00353 83 4117498 info@earthwise.me
Awakening the Nature Elementals

Awakening the Nature Elementals

Experience an evening to delight the eye and soul as you gaze upon amazing images of Nature elementals captured on camera. Using the gong, drum, human voice and heart I seem to draw in various inter-dimensional energies. A simple phone camera or ordinary camera have...

Communicating with our tree archetypes

This is a workshop to develop our awareness of tree archetypes as valid aspects of our soul life. Through activities that are simple to replicate we will be encouraged and inspired to develop our own means of communicating with trees as tree archetypes. This uses the...

The Earth and her fairy worlds

This talk by writer/artist/healer Marko Pogacnik is about the Earth as a conscious being and her fairy worlds. The fairy realm and our own are intertwined more than most humans realise. This lecture is part of the workshop that follows for the weekend, but also is...

Unblocking a major elemental Portal to the Heart of Gaia

This workshop unblocking a major elemental portal portends to be of immense importance for Ireland. It is led by Marko Pogacnik the Unesco Artist for Peace who has led workshops constantly around the world for the last 30 years. In addition to writing books that are...