00353 83 4117498 info@earthwise.me

Unblocking a major elemental Portal to the Heart of Gaia

This workshop unblocking a major elemental portal portends to be of immense importance for Ireland. It is led by Marko Pogacnik the Unesco Artist for Peace who has led workshops constantly around the world for the last 30 years. In addition to writing books that are...

Ceremonial site

Recently I took friends and clients to a new site in South Galway I discovered. Some old friends of mine had mentioned a bullaun stone lying in their local butcher’s field by the river. A bullaun stone is a stone with a carved hollow in its centre. Some believe...
Being one with nature

Being one with nature

I’m pleased with the article on the earth energies in the Burren that  I wrote for Ireland’s latest magazine Otherwise. What I particular enjoy is the surprise interaction with readers I am encountering. I was in my local wholefood shop when the owner told...